Here is a list of things that have inspired me or had a huge impact on my life and way of thinking:
- Alan Kay - Normal Considered Harmful
- You and your research
- If your product is Great, it doesn't need to be Good.
- Augmenting Human Intellect: A Conceptual Framework
- Powers of Ten
- Creative Thinking
- Pmarchive
- Paul Graham's essays
- How to Get Rich
- Story Telling In Business - Pixar Story Teller Mathew Luhn at CIMC
- Alan Kay, 2015: Power of Simplicity
- How can one become a better thinker?
- The Guts of a New Machine
- What Customers Want from Your Products
- The Humane Representation of Thought
- The Lost Interview
- Apollo 11
- Programming and Scaling
- Patagonia’s Philosopher-King
- How Pixar Fosters Collective Creativity
- It’s Time to Build
- Olivetti. Appunti su un’impresa creativa e sulla sua comunicazione
- Enlightened Imagination For Citizens
- In Defense of the Poor Image
- Learnable Programming
- SX-70
- Technology in search for a customer
- The Mother of All Demos, presented by Douglas Engelbart (1968)